Page 16 - Webel Newsletter, Jan 2020
P. 16

16                                                                                             Volume: 27
                                                                                                 January 2020 Issue

    As the world goes digital and technology keeps defining the new way of life, many organizations are struggling to
    figure out how they should go Digital and face up to the Digital disruption challenge that is happening  in their
    respective industries. The bigger challenge is that this world has become VUCA – Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and

    INFOCOM 2019 edition took place on 05-07 December at ITC Sonar, Kolkata with the theme “Winning in this VUCA
    World”, where great minds came together to find ways to face the new challenges through innovation, speed, customer
    collaboration, resilience, technology, and highlight on the principles and policies that will be essential to win in this
    VUCA world.

    Shri Debashis Sen, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary, Dept of
    IT  &  Electronics,  Govt  of  West  Bengal,  delivered  his
    keynote speech on “Leadership in a Digital Society”.

    He said that for reaching the lowest section of the society
    Artificial  Intelligence  must  be  combined  with  Natural
    Intelligence.  The  people  in  villages  cannot  talk  in  US
    accent or at all do not speak in English. For them there
    must  be  an  interpreter  of  technology  –  a  human  face
    behind whom there will be a strong base of people with
    all inclusive technological approach.                           Shri Debashis Sen, IAS, delivering keynote speech

    He referred to EODS – Ease of Delivering Service. To reach the last person there are trained boys and girls who are
    engaged by the municipal authority to reach the digitised service to the last person who are not so tech-savvy. For
    example the weavers of the renowned Baluchari Sareees or weavers at Fulia do not know how to sell their product at
    Amazon and unable to take digital technology advantage. Thus trained people are required who would know the need
    of such entrepreneurs and guide them as interpreter of technology.

    Shri  Samar  Jha,  Chairman,  WBEIDCL  said  that  he  has  a
    focus for the growth of employment in IT in West Bengal.
    Referring to his visits in the IT Parks in Tier-II, Tier-III cities
    he expressed his surprise at the kind of start-ups and new
    businesses who have hired spaces there. He said, It is very
    encouraging  and  there  is  immense  possibility  in  West
    Bengal.  He  requested  the  professional  institutes  to
    encourage start-ups in this state to improve the start-up
    ecology. Start-ups are the way to the future of growth of
    IT  in  West  Bengal.  He  also  mentioned  that  a  Start-up
    policy will be formulated and hoped that west Bengal will     Shri Samar Jha, Chairman, WBEIDCL delivering speech
    become very very good for IT.

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