Page 36 - 2018 October Newsletter WEBEL
P. 36

36                                                                                               Volume: 22
                                                                                                October 2018 Issue

    Shri  Nirupam  Chaudhuri,  Regional  Director  (East),
    NASSCOM briefly described Nasscom’s activities and how
    they  are  supporting  skill  development  or  up-skilling  of
    candidates.  They  are  also  working  on  eco  system
    development  and  access  to  global  market.  Proper
    mentorship is required for properly delivering messages
    about the products and services to the customers as well
    as to identify the potential investors.

             Shri Nirupam Chaudhuri, of NASSCOM delivering speech 

    Shri Shachin Thakkar, member of Product Council of NASSCOM narrated how to do product marketing, the challenges
    faced and how to overcome that and more over what is the term entrepreneurship means.Shri Kaushik Bhattacharyya,
    independent Industry Management Consultant explained how to launch products to customers, how to get a customer
    and how to generate revenue. The ways in which one can utilize the digital world in his own favour.

                Shri Shachin Thakkar sharing experience                Shri Kaushik Bhattacharyya sharing experience

    Shri Debashis Sen, IAS, Addl. Chief Secretary, Dept. of IT &
    E, Govt. of West Bengal, delivered his speech about “The
    IT&E Vision of the State”. He said one must keep updated
    knowledge on what is happening in all over world. For that
    the  Government  is  trying  to  dissimilate  knowledge  on
    Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Machine Learning,  Animation,
    3D  Printing,  Robotics,  Quantum  Computing,  Blockchain.
    The world is growing so fast that if one does not acquire
    updated  knowledge  he  will  be  a  loser.  So  as  early  as
    possible  one  has  to  learn  emerging  technologies  and
    Blockchain. There is tremendous market in animation and
                                                                 Shri Debashis Sen, IAS, Addl. Chief Secretary delivering speech
    gaming and Bengal has creative aesthetics better than any
    other state. So one can tap that market also. One can learn and be expert in the field of cyber security as there will
    always be cyber criminals and hence there will never be shortage of job for a cyber-police.

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