Page 31 - 2018 October Newsletter WEBEL
P. 31

31                                                                                               Volume: 22
                                                                                                October 2018 Issue

                                                   05 September 2018

    Technology is all around us and digitalisation has been much faster than anticipated. Digital Innovation is quickly
    infiltrating all aspects of our everyday lives and is also making us vulnerable. Highly skilled and organised cyber-attacks
    are compelling nations, corporate and societies to think of effective new approaches of protection. It is important to
    understand the current cyber security threats and how can we protect our most valuable infrastructure assets? How
    can companies embrace trends like AI, machine learning, blockchain, apps, without exposing themselves to cyber
    security risks?

    As India advances in cyber security especially within a crime-prevention digital forensics capacity and with evolving
    need of cyber security specialists there is greater need for government, industry and other stakeholders to come
    together to evolve standards and guidelines on the use of systems to prevent cyber-attacks and create internal security
    systems to suit the country’s needs.

    Considering the rising influence of technology on all sectors of businesses manufacturing or services and considering
    the significance of Cyber security challenges ASSOCHAM in partnership with Dept of IT & E, Government of West Bengal
    organized a day-long conference on 05 September 2018 at Lalit Great Eastern Kolkata. The event was attended by
    eminent guests from Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Singapore and Vietnam. Shri Debashis Sen, IAS, Additional Chief
    Secretary, Dept. of IT&E, Govt. of West Bengal graced the occasion as the Guest of Honour.

                                                              The conference began with lighting of the inaugural lamp
                                                              by Chief Guest Mr. Zunaid Ahmed Palak, Hon’ble State
                                                              Minister,  Information  &  Communication  Technology,
                                                              Government of Bangladesh in presence of Mr. Toufique
                                                              Hasan,  Dy  High  Commissioner  of  Bangladesh,  Shri
                                                              Debashis  Sen,  IAS,  Additional  Chief  Secretary,  Dept.  of
                                                              IT&E,  Govt.  of  West  Bengal  and  other  eminent

                                                               lighting of inaugural lamp

    In his key note address Shri Debashis Sen, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary, Dept. of IT&E, Govt. of West Bengal referred
    to the book “21 Lessons for the 21  Century’ by Yuval Noah Harari to illustrate the importance of digital world and
    cyber security. He quoted “… if the US now attacks a country possessing even moderate cyber warfare capabilities, the
    war could be brought to California in minutes. Malwares and logic bombs could stop air traffic in Dallas, cause trains
    to collide in Philadelphia and bring down the electric grid in Michigan”. Dallas, Philadelphia Michigan can be substituted
    by Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata. And this is the world we live in. this is what important thinkers are looking at the society.

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