Page 30 - 2018 October Newsletter WEBEL
P. 30

30                                                                                               Volume: 22
                                                                                                October 2018 Issue

                                                              In the next session, Hon’ble Chief Minister launched the
                                                              State Information Technology Policy. She also released a
                                                              booklet on Silicon Valley Hub. The e-governance portal of
                                                              West  Bengal  Government  “Utkarsh  Bangla”  has  been
                                                              inaugurated  by  Hon’ble  Chief  Minister  followed  by
                                                              inauguration  of  the  3  Webel  IT  Parks,  Malda,  Siliguri
                                                              Phase-III  and  Purulia.  After  this  Hon’ble  Chief  Minister
                                                              laid  the  foundation  stone  of  the  Bengal  Silicon  Valley

       Hon’ble Chief Minister laying the foundation stone of the Bengal
                         Silicon Valley Hub

     Hon’ble Chief Minister Smt Mamata Banerjee said it’s a
     big event that the journey is started through a milestone
     and this will be one of the best IT Hub in the world, the
     Bengal  Silicon  Valley.  Throughout  the  world  Bengal’s
     talented youth are doing the job and talent is very much
     available  here.  Bengal  can  give  positive  environment.
     Bengal’s  youngsters  are  very  dedicated,  devoted  and
     sincere. They don’t need enough money but they need
     respect. They can do more job than anybody else. She
     appealed  to  everyone  to  consider  the  government  as
     their sweet family and consider Bengal their sweet home.

                                                                         Hon’ble Chief Minister delivering speech

    Shri  Sanjiv  Goenka,  Chairman,  RP-Sanjiv  Goenka  Group  said  that  there  is  an  outstanding  leadership  in  the  Chief
    Minister. Great vision, clarity of thought, decisiveness, make-it-happen skills are huge and she is very compassionate.
    Her team, the administration is outstanding. He appreciated the coordination and the guidance they received from the
    State Government

    The program terminated by playing the National Anthem by the Police Band.

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