Page 35 - 2018 October Newsletter WEBEL
P. 35

35                                                                                               Volume: 22
                                                                                                October 2018 Issue

                                                              Shri  Prodip  Mukhopadhyay,  CEO,  WIL  said  that
                                                              Information  Technology  and  Electronics  is  the  only
                                                              industry  which  does  not  demand  much  capital
                                                              investment. Keeping this in mind Dept. of IT&E, Govt. of
                                                              West  Bengal,  is  creating  different  types  of  physical
                                                              infrastructure.  Along  with  this,  training  and  skill
                                                              development in the field of IT is very much important.
                                                              Anybody who is competent and skilled, can start his own
                                                              business with a single computer. Webel gives importance
                                                              to this and arrange various types of trainings and courses
                                                              on different branches of IT. He also briefly mentioned the
           Sri Prodip Mukhopadhyay, CEO, WIL delivering speech
                                                              names of the existing training centers in the district and
                                                              the centers which are to be opened in near future.

    This  was  followed  by  a  speech  by  Shri  Subrata  Dutta,
    Secretary,  Federation  of  South  Bengal  Chamber  of
    Commerce and Industries. He said that now nobody can
    live without IT. Even when somebody is going to sleep, is
    also carrying his mobile in bed. He said that there are so
    many engineering colleges but all youngsters are leaving
    Asansol  and  going  out  for  job.  For  any  single  work
    everybody has to go to Kolkata. But now it shows rays of
    hope that there will be IT related development in Asansol
    and  he  welcomed  all  the  big  companies  on  behalf  of
    Federation of South Bengal Chamber of Commerce and
                                                              Shri Subrata Dutta, Secretary, Federation of South Bengal Chamber of
    Industries to come to Asansol and open their office there.          Commerce and Industries delivering speech

                                                              Shri S. Arun Prasad, CEO, ADDA who also attended the
                                                              event, said that there was a time when there was not a
                                                              single skilled person available for doing any job. They all
                                                              had to undergo skill upgradation by the employer before
                                                              they could actually start working. But now the scenario is
                                                              changed. Now skilled workers are available. There is huge
                                                              employment potential in IT and ITeS if and only if one can
                                                              keep himself updated.

                                                               Shri S. Arun Prasad, CEO, ADDA delivering speech

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