Page 27 - 2019 January Newsletter WEBEL
P. 27

27                                                                                               Volume: 23
                                                                                                January 2019 Issue

    In his address Dr. Amit Mitra, Hon’ble Minister focussed on the developments in West Bengal. He said “we have
    revolutionised  the  service  of  e-taxation”  and  for  which  the  Government  of  India  gave  the  highest  award.  As  the
    Integrated Financial Management System is implemented, not a single rupee is spent in the state of West Bengal by
    cash.  The  treasury  is  entirely  digital.  Government  of  India  gave  the  highest  award  for  the  Integrated  Financial
    Management System.

    He referred to the e-district program. It was ambitioned
    that a single platform will provide all government services
    to the citizens. E-district program is functional throughout
    the state and it provides about 85 crucial services to more
    than 40 lakh applicants such as giving Income Certificate,
    Residential Certificate, Domicile Certificate, Mutation of
    Property,  Property  Tax  Payment  etcetera.  Lands  are
    digitally mutated and ownership is clear. 50 departments
    have switched to e-office and the advantage of e-office is
    that  it  is  completely  transparent.  This  is  also  a
    revolutionary change.
                                                                     Dr. Amit Mitra, Hon’ble Minister delivering speech

    Dr. Mitra referred to many other small things that had not attracted notice like the RFID based Taxi Management
    System started with Howrah station and now extended to Sealdah station. The Traffic Fine Management System is also
    became transparent with introduction of camera. The West Bengal State Wide Area Network is a protected WAN which
    connects almost all government offices. But AI is dangerous and must be regulated.

    The first day witnessed a panel discussion on ‘Impact of Artificial Intelligence in BFSI segment which was chaired by
    Shri Harish Agarwal, Partner, Ernst & Young LLP. The session hosted distinguished panellists like, Shri Aninda Chatterjee,
    Managing Director, WBEIDCL; Shri Upkar Singh, Director, IT, FIS Global and Shri Faheem Tanveer Ahmed, MD & CEO,
    Crossways IT LTD and Convenor, BASIS IT Services Forum for 2018-19, Bangladesh.

                                                            Shri Aninda Chatterjee, MD, Webel referred to the history
                                                            of  industrial  transition  and  said  that  earlier  also  many
                                                            countries feared and opposed computerisation. Presently
                                                            the level of literacy is high across the globe and all have
                                                            easy  access  to  information.  The  normal  reaction  of
                                                            opposing that used to happen historically is not likely to
                                                            happen  when  confronted  with  the  next  disruption  of
                                                            industry. Industry 4.0 or the Artificial Intelligence.

                                                              Shri Aninda Chatterjee, MD, Webel sharing his views

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